Church Council Meeting Date: February 2, 2025 February 2, 2025 Attending: Deb Buffington-Secretary, Rachel Mock, Pastor Scott Paradise, Jennifer Rosengrant-Lay Leader, Stephanie Seldomridge-Treasurer, Rhonda Singer, Dara Wolfe-Vice President Absent: Nancy Deiter, Jack Kahl Due to the pastor’s illness, a brief meeting was held to elect new officers. He did participate via telephone. Jen Rosengrant will provide the next meeting’s devotions. Election of Officers Lay Leader -Dara Wolfe made a motion to nominate Jennifer Rosengrant as Lay Leader -Stephanie Seldomridge seconded the nomination -Jennifer accepted the nomination -All approved Vice President -Rhonda Singer made a motion to nominate Dara Wolfe as Vice President -Jen Rosengrant seconded the motion -Dara accepted the nomination -All approved Secretary -Rachel Mock made a motion to nominate Debra Buffington as Secretary -Jen Rosengrant seconded the motion -Debra accepted the nomination -All approved Treasurer -Rachel Mock made a motion to nominate Stephanie Seldomridge as Treasurer -Jen Rosengrant seconded the motion -Stephanie accepted the nomination -All approved -Jen Rosengrant made a motion to accept Jack Kahl as a member of council filling an open 1-year term position -Dara Wolfe seconded the motion -All approved -Dara Wolfe made a motion to adjourn the meeting -Rhonda Singer seconded the motion The meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting will be on February 23, 2025. Respectfully submitted, Debra Buffington, Secretary January 5, 2025 Attending: David Engle, Deb Hogeland, Susan Long -Lay Leader, Pastor Scott Paradise, Jennifer Rosengrant, Stephanie Seldomridge-Treasurer, Dara Wolfe-Secretary Absent: Darryl Bentz, Deb Buffington-Recording Secretary Susan Long opened the meeting. Dara Wolfe provided devotions. Jen Rosengrant will provide the next meeting’s devotions. Treasurer’s Report: Stephanie Seldomridge Report was distributed. Several comments were shared/discussed concerning the 2025 budget and beyond. Acting sooner with the budget and overall communication with the congregation and working with the strategic planning committee is a good start to shoring up our financial future. Checkbook Balance: Northwest as of 12/31/2024=$2,954.45 Dec Deposits=$15,700.72 Dec Expenses=$14,844.81 Restore and Renew Campaign: as of 12/31/2024=$3,542.78 RENEW & RESTORE CAMPAIGN Dec Deposits=$125.00 Dec Interest=$1.21 Reed’s Locksmith – Down payment=$1,300.00 Mission Plus account (Money Market): as of 12/312024=$21,770.46 Interest Dec=$9.23 Undesignated funds in Money Mkt=$422.75 Designated Funds=4,993.41 Designated Funds=$6,000.00 Deposit-R. Hart Beaver (to be designated)=$10,354.34 Income: Advent=$2,925.00 -almost at budgeted amount for 2024 Building Rental=$250.00 -Cooking class=$100.00 -Nelson Martin=$150.00 Miscellaneous income -Recycling and coffee money=$37.25 Memorials -Sylvia Hoffman=$285.00 -Ginny Wolfe=$50.00 Expenses: Electric-down about $800.00 for the year Fuel Oil=$1,360.77 (429.4 gal @ $3.169/gal Organ Maintenance=$285.00 Piano Tuning=$520.00 – (4 pianos) (From R & R account)-$1,300.00 downpayment on locks Pastor’s report: Pastor Scott Pastor’s Report was handed out. -New exterior locks were installed. If/when additional keys are needed, Dara Wolfe and Pastor Scott have been authorized to procure them at Reed’s. -First Communion classes. Current ELCA position is “there is no command from our Lord regarding the age at which people should take first communion”. Council Meeting Minutes No changes. Jen Rosengrant made a motion to accept the consent agenda. Dara Wolfe seconded it. All approved. Unfinished Business Homeschool Music Program-Cadence Music & Arts -Everyone agreed that the draft lease is very good, needing minor change/clarification. • If ELCO closes, we close • Need “contact” (MLC) if problems • Need “contact” for snow removal -David Engle has agreed to be contact “initially’. New Business -Various ways to post for secretarial position were discussed. One candidate has stepped forward. List of “responsibilities” was made available to council members -New computer is needed. Good time to pursue. Restore and Renew funds may be used. -Brown Signs has been contacted concerning hinge and framing issues which Susan Long is pursuing. Committee Updates Youth: Pastor Scott -Nothing to report Evangelism Committee: Dara Wolfe -Nothing to report Property Committee: Susan Long -Nothing to report Music and Worship: Pastor Scott -Positive comments concerning Christmas Christian Education -Nothing to report The question of lunch/no lunch for the congregational meeting; the Strategic Planning Committee will provide light refreshments. We will be recognizing the service of retiring secretary Linda Sheetz; Feb. 28th as a tentative date. It was proposed that a change be made to the gift giving policy. The proposed change is to define ‘in a timely fashion” to an actual timeframe of “no later than 90 days from the time of receipt”. The matter was put before council for an e-vote. Jen Rosengrant made a motion to accept the change to the gift policy. Deb Hogeland seconded the motion. All approved. The new policy should read: “Gift acceptance and use decisions and recommendations will be forwarded to the Council and/or congregation for acknowledgement and/or approval no later than 90 days from receipt.” The meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting will be on February 2, 2025. Minutes taken by Dara Wolfe in Recording Secretary’s absence. Respectfully submitted, Debra Buffington, Recording Secretary |