Church Council Meeting Date: April 14, 2024 Approved Church Council Meeting Minutes April 14, 2024 Attending: Deb Buffington-Recording Secretary, David Engle, Deb Hogeland, Susan Long, Pastor Scott Paradise, Jennifer Rosengrant, Stephanie Seldomridge-Treasurer, Dara Wolfe Absent: Darryl Bentz, Conner Pennington Susan Long opened the meeting. Deb Buffington provided devotions. Jen Rosengrant will provide the next meeting’s devotions. Treasurer’s Report: Stephanie Seldomridge Checkbook Balance: Northwest as of 3/31/2024=$515.72 March Deposits=$12,866.67 March Expenses=$17,073.85 Transfer from Thrivent=$10,000.00 Restore and Renew Campaign: as of 3/31/2024=$3,654.54 RENEW & RESTORE CAMPAIGN March Deposits=$125.00 Interest=$1.05 Mission Plus account (Money Market): as of 3/31/2024=$11,357.56 Interest=$9.31 Undesignated funds in Money Mkt=$354.84 Designated Funds=4,993.41 Designated Funds=$6,000.00 Income: Building rental=$575.00 -Newmanstown Fire Co. -Scott Johnson -Deb Tice -Boone -Donation from D. Tice-$50.00 Lenten Deposits=$1,790.00 Miscellaneous income=$389.00 -Coffee money=$33.00 -Sweet 2nd Sunday=$336.00 -Egg Hunt donation=$20.00 from M. Meyer-was given directly to Nicole Johnson for gift cards for the older kids Expenses: -Building and W/C insurance=$2,328.45 -Electric=$767.65 -Flowers-=$521.50 paid including Easter flowers but did not receive money from Carol Sova from Easter flower sale. -Fuel oil=$1,003.55 (277.3 gallons @ $3.619/gal) Did receive another bill for $1,223.91, but not yet paid. Exterminator visit-$140.00 Map Farm=$672.00-Snow removal for the year Cokesbury (Offering envelopes)=$410.45 Pastor’s report: Pastor Scott Report was handed out and reviewed. Jen Rosengrant made a motion to accept the consent agenda. David Engle seconded it. All approved. Unfinished Business David Engle has been working on updating the church’s rental agreement. -Will be taking the rental prices off the main agreement. Will have the rental prices on a separate sheet of paper with the renter receiving the page specific to their rental cost. -will add a separate charge of $50-$100 for use of the AV equipment. -will allow local non-profit organizations to pay the member rate. Pastor Scott reports that he is still waiting for a written estimate from Rudy’s Locksmith. He will write up a brief contract, get in touch with them, and ask them to sign it, so things can move forward. David stopped in at Colonial Electric with the broken lens. The lenses we have are stock lenses and are no longer made. They can make covers for $85 or upgrading to a new LED light for $125. Susan suggests looking into grants that might be out there that would allow for an energy efficiency upgrade. New Business Susan’s husband Dan joined the meeting to alert council of some issues that have been found with the projector in the multipurpose room. A quote of just under $1,000 was received from Good Sound to repair the issues using commercial grade equipment. Dan was able to find the piece that was needed on Amazon for $30 and is willing to fix the issue for free. He also suggests removing the port that is on the steps of the stage and moving the connection point to the right-hand closet beside the stage, thus eliminating extra cords. His fix will also allow everything to be turned off, currently the system is constantly powered even though it is only used about 4 times a year. Jen Rosengrant made a motion to allow Dan to fix the Projector issue for free. David Engle seconded it. All approved. Non-member Brittany Boone has requested to hold her wedding at the church on Saturday July 20th. She is renting the multipurpose room for her reception and decided to ask if she could be married here also. Even though she is not a member, she has rented the multipurpose room before and her children have used the church hill for sledding. Pastor Scott states he does not have an issue officiating the wedding, but council must decide if they may use the church. Jen Rosengrant made a motion to allow them to get married at the church. David Engle seconded it. All approved. The girl scout troop would like to put a collection box at MLC for their community “Blessing Box” at the Noel K. Hertzog Memorial Park (formerly White Swan). Notice will be put in the bulletin. Pastor Scott suggested paying organist Ted Weaver $50 or other agreed amount for his preparation for the January 7th service which was cancelled due to the weather. David Engle made a motion to pay him $50. Jen Rosengrant seconded it. All approved. Committee Updates Youth: Pastor Scott The egg hunt was a huge success. Evangelism Committee: Dara Wolfe Written reports for the March 13th and April 10th meetings were emailed with the agenda. Property Committee: Susan Long -Susan brought up some issues with the assigned tasks that Brian the custodian is supposed to complete. He has added tasks to be done every other week, in addition to his weekly tasks, but he is here the same amount of time each week and it is evident that some items are not being completed. Susan will call Quest to address the issues and suggest breaking up the extra jobs. -Outside Maintenance Nancy Deiter takes care of the front of the church. David takes care of the crosses. The girl scouts did clean up around the bell; unsure if they plan to continue to do it. Susan suggested announcing in church that anyone is welcome to come up to the church and tackle some chores such as: weeding, picking up sticks, weed whacking. Will also bring up in church that anyone wanting to donate supplies or money towards would be greatly appreciated. -It’s time to bring out the dehumidifiers. Will need to check to make sure they are all working. Reminder that the doors to rooms should remain open all the time. Music and Worship: Pastor Scott The adult Sunday school class enjoyed several new hymns that were introduced during Lenten study. Christian Education Recently added a Sunday school class for grades 4 through 6. Per Deb Buffington, it has been well received by the children and is going well. The meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting will be on May 5, 2024. Respectfully submitted, Debra Buffington, Recording Secretary |