March 2025
Church Council will be help monthly meeting in March 2th, 2025
In case of bad weather, please listen to WLBR 1270AM for notices of cancellation of church services. Channel 8 will only show church cancellations if there is a major snowstorm on a Saturday, but you can check online at which has a less restrictive posting for church services than the on-air part of their operation. Monthly Church Breakfast
Everyone is welcome to join us for our monthly church breakfast at Country Fare Restaurant in Myerstown at 8:00 am on the Second Saturday of each month. Just come and enjoy good food and fellowship. MONTHLY BREAKFAST FOR MARCH 8TH. Thyme with Debbie is back with instructional classes about seasonal ingredients and flavors in the kitchen. All classes are held at Millcreek Lutheran Church from 10 AM to 12 PM with a cost of $23.00. The next class is listed below. To register for a class or for any questions, please contact Debbie at 484-577-6695 or at
RELAY FOR RELAY FOR LIFE UPDATE Collect pull tabs from soda cans, etc. for the dialysis machine at the Ronald McDonald House. A container is on the table in the narthex. Thanks as always for your support!! Donations to American Cancer Society are always welcome. Music Ministry Make a joyful noise to the Lord! Thanks to all who support and make the music at Millcreek! Any questions--Contact Deb Tice via phone at 717-926-4273 or email at
Deadline for the April Parish Echo newsletter is March 15th. ACOLYTES Please remember, if you are unable to acolyte on your scheduled Sunday, call a replacement. If you cannot find a replacement, please call the church 610-589-2570, or Linda Sheetz at 717-866-4273 as soon as possible.
Please sign up to sponsor flowers and bulletins. Cost of flowers is $30 and cost of bulletins is $10. Contact Linda Hauck Sheetz or sign-up on the list in the narthex. Please note: we have purchased flower vase carriers for you to transport your alter flowers home. They will be marked "Property of MLC". Please bring the vases back the following week for the next person to use.
COLLEGE ADDRESSES Part of Evangelism’s ministry is keeping in touch with our college students. We need their addresses while in college in order to do that. Please respond ASAP by calling Dara Wolfe at 717-866-5909 or email Thank you.If you give us their e-mail addresses, the Parish Echo will be sent to them via e-mail.
The Evangelism Committee Evangelism Committee Other Evangelism Activities: 1) Collecting used ink and toner cartridges and old cell phones to be recycled after taking to Jubilee Ministries. Place in bin in hall leading to multi-purpose room. 2) Collecting new and lightly used small tools and building supplies (nails, tiles, electrical outlets, etc.) for Habitat for Humanity. Place smaller items in the bins in the hall leading to the multi-purpose room. To arrange for pick up of large items (cabinets, furniture, light fixtures, sinks, etc.), contact the Lancaster Lebanon Habitat ReStore at 717-293-0250 ext.4.
YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHURCH NEED YOU! Lay readers are needed to serve during worship, as we have lost a few over the past year. Most times you are only listed to read 2-3 times per year. There is a sign-up sheet on the narthex table outside the office, or contact Linda Sheetz at church or at 717-866-4273 for more information. Thanks in advance. Give all of these needs some prayerful consideration as we move forward. We also need your presence in the pews for worship.
Can you help a senior citizen in need of assistance 1 - 2 hours a day, 2 days a week, with the possible expansion to 5 days a week? Duties would be to make sure the senior takes her medicine and eats her meals, light laundry, and the occasional trip to the hairdresser. The helper must be female. Payment for services will be negotiated with the family. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please call Sue at 717-949-3857 or Kathy at 610-533-3022.
Military Personnel
DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 3 Ryan Gahres 12 Brandy Gahres 6 Portia Lindermuth 23 David Staaby II 8 Theresa Sites 24 Cheryl Stoudt 9 Michael Yiengst Jr. 28 Joseph Tice Jr Aaron Yiengst Laura Long 11 Sheldon Frederick 12 Brandy Gahres 23 David Staaby II 24 Ceryl Stoudt 28 Joseph Tice Jr If you want to be included on the birthday list, please submit your name to use by placing a note in the Newsletter mailbox in the church office, calling 610-655-7692, or emailing to Also if there is a name that should be removed from the list, or a correction made, please use one of the above ways to notify us. Thank you.
Spang Crest VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES at Spang Crest open to anyone wanting to volunteer: 1) be a friendly visitor for those residents that have no one 2) assist with chicken barbeques in May and September, or contribute to those bake sales 3) pet visits--Have a pet that is very friendly and well behaved? Think about taking them to visit the residents—residents love to see animals 4) volunteer to work in the gift shop a few hours a month ( If you have any of these interests please contact Karen Kreiser- activities director at Spang Crest). Please continue to keep Spang Crest residents and staff in your prayers. Margie Kriss Thrivent Financial News If you are a Thrivent Financial member, you are eligible to apply for a $250 grant for a church community project. This grant could be for the schoolbags or personal care kits that we do each year. It’s a great way to get extra funds for these worthwhile projects. It’s exciting to learn that a Thrivent member from our congregation applied for one of these $250 grants for the High School Sunday School class quilt project and that the application was approved! They are making quilts for the pediatric unit at Reading Hospital. This money will be used to purchase materials for this project. Thrivent members are allotted two of these $250 grants each year for community type projects. There are Thrivent members in our congregation, so let’s see what we can do to gain some worthwhile monies for some of our church community projects. Thrivent members should contact their Thrivent representative for more information about this exciting program. |