Millcreek Lutheran Church
221 N. Sheridan Road, PO Box 399, Newmanstown, PA 17073
610-589 2570,

Gift Policy Summary

This document is a brief summary of the full Gift Policy adopted by Millcreek Lutheran Church, intended to offer an overview of how this congregation will handle cash and non-cash gifts offered over and above regular giving. The full policy is available in the office.

• The Gift Acceptance Committee of Millcreek Lutheran Church (MLC) has responsibility for reviewing and making decisions regarding acceptance and use of gifts offered to the congregation, using the guidelines of the current Gift Policy of MLC.

• The Gift Acceptance Committee will consider gifts of cash, gifts through beneficiary designation (e.g., bank accounts, annuities, endowments, life insurance policies, etc.), marketable securities, bequests, other non-cash gifts and in-kind donations.

• As a general rule, MLC will convert all gifts to cash.

• Valuation of non-cash gifts to MLC shall be the responsibility of the donor or the donor's estate.

• Unrestricted gifts with a value of less than $10,000 will be placed in the MLC General Fund.

• Recommendations for acceptance and use of unrestricted gifts with a value equal to or greater than $10,000 may be made by the Gift Acceptance Committee of MLC according to the Gift Policy.

• Gifts with specific donor-defined restrictions will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Gift Acceptance Committee. Donors who choose to restrict the use of a gift for MLC are strongly encouraged to complete a Restriction and Release Form.

• Memorial and honorary gifts of any size given to MLC shall be handled according to the Gift

The ELCA Foundation, through Regional Gift Planners and support staff, offer gift planning services at no charge to this congregation and their donors. Visit or call 800-638- 3522 to connect with the ELCA Foundation Regional Gift Planner that supports this congregation.

Donors are also encouraged to consult with their personal tax advisor, estate attorney and/or financial advisor for specific tax, legal, and investment information. MLC does not provide any tax, legal, or investment advice.

New: Nov. 2021