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One of the challenges I face in writing these little reflections is gravitating toward events at the beginning of the month. This usually comes at the expense of events at the end of the month. Events at the beginning of the month seem like a quick win over writer’s block, but that sometimes leaves events at the end of the month without the same focus.

This issue of The Echo is the one for January and therefore coincides with the start of the calendar year. The start of the calendar year is always a good time to refocus and, when refocusing, it is always a good idea to begin with the end in mind. The important date that we have to consider at the end of January is this congregation’s annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 26.

Our Constitution and By-Laws list eleven (11) specific things only a meeting of the congregation can authorize. Most of these are not regular occurrences (e.g., calling a pastor and buying or selling real estate, etc.). Two (2) of these specific things are regular occurrences. They are approving an annual budget and electing members of the Congregation Council. These also help us refocus on the “Helping God restore and renew our congregation” part of our mission statement.

Doing those two (2) things is an annual requirement and certainly the bare minimum, but the annual Congregational meeting does more. The annual Congregational Meeting gives us a chance to look gratefully at the many good things we accomplish because of those who give generously in many ways Time, talent, and treasure being the most tried and true. The annual Congregational Meeting is a time to look at our overall work in connection with our mission and see if we are fulfilling our mission. If we find that we are fulfilling our mission, then we step into the next year continuing the work. If we find that we need to reset the fulfilling of our mission, then we step into the next year with eyes refocused on what God calls us to do in this time and place.

I have my thoughts about answers to where we find ourselves, but these are not my questions to answer alone. The answers are with all of us together. That is why the task of the annual Congregational Meeting is so crucial and well placed within our annual calendar.

God’s work through this congregation goes on all year long. Getting a chance to look at how we are helping most faithfully with God’s work is a gift that comes during the time we may have already forgotten Christmas gifts, but when we hear the stories of God’s ongoing gift to us in the baptism, presentation, and transfiguration of Jesus. We glance back to Bethlehem’s manger and forward to Calvary’s cross.

The church continually celebrates God’s good news, which, in the church’s wisdom has helped resolve my conflict. January starts and ends with opportunities to see the fullness of God at work in our community, in our congregation, and in our selves. The beginning and the end matter, but so does everything else in between.

Live as children of light!
Pastor Scott Paradise